Friday, 27 December 2024

Rockefeller Christmas

Brand: Ravensburger

Pieces: 500
Size:  36cm x 49cm

Product Code: 164240

I said I was going to post Christmas-themed puzzles for the month of December, and it seems somewhat weird to do that after the fact, but here is the last one anyway. 

It's been a great puzzling year! I have competed in two charity puzzle competitions, the Victorian state comp and the Nationals. My times weren't amazing (there's always room for improvement) but I gave them my best shot and I'm keen to improve on them next year when I compete again. 

I spent waaayyyyyy too much on new puzzles and have a lot that I need to move on within the new year, and I encouraged/ created new puzzlers at work with all my puzzle talk haha

I'm only 7 puzzles off beating the amount of puzzles done last year and I aim to smash out a few smaller ones in the next few days to finish out the year. 

I hope you've had an amazing year too, and have enjoyed following my puzzling journey. It's not as exciting as some, but I've enjoyed posting up photos of the beautiful puzzles I have pieced together.

Looking forward to continuing this through 2025 and beyond... until then, stay safe and keep on puzzling!


Friday, 20 December 2024

Home For Christmas

Brand: Gibsons

Pieces: 500
Size:  48cm x 34cm

Product Code: G3608

Time for the third Christmas-themed puzzle of the month! 

This time, we're going with Home For Christmas, which was illustrated by Josie Shenoy for Gibsons Puzzles. Although it's somewhat difficult to tell from my photo, this puzzle features gold leaf highlights throughout the design, making it extra special to do.

This design was whimsical and cute, and the quality was wonderful. This is one of those puzzles that borders on both traditional and modern, and was a nice quick one for the holiday season.

I'm going to put up one more Christmas-themed puzzle next week (most likely) even though the holiday season will be on its way out, but in the meantime, I hope you have a safe and merry Christmas and I'll see you next time...

Saturday, 14 December 2024

Christmas Book Flood

Brand: Reverie Puzzles

Pieces: 1000
Size:  50cm x 70cm

Product Code: -

Hey all,

Sorry I didn't post yesterday, as I usually do. I ended up working Saturday as overtime and started work early, so I had absolutely no time to put up a picture or anything. I've decided to remedy that today however, so never fear!

Last week was the Nationals and wow, what an experience! I had a great time competing in the individuals competition, even though I finished quite late in the game compared to many other people. I should have practiced more in the leadup to the event but I'm glad I at least completed it within the time frame. Next year I'll have to focus more on bettering my time...

In the meantime, I will continue getting through as many puzzles as I can so that I can clear a bit of a puzzle backlog- especially since more puzzles keep on jumping into my online carts and ending up at my home! Crazy how that happens lol.

Todays puzzle is another Christmas-themed one (as all of December will be), from Reverie Puzzles, titled Christmas Book Flood, and illustrated by the talented Sanna Nordahl. This design follows an Icelandic Christmas tradition which I personally think sounds amazing! Basically it's a Christmas Eve book exchange and read-in. What more could you want?

Do you have any Christmas holiday traditions? Maybe you'd want to start something like this within your household? Let me know your thoughts! Until next time...

Friday, 6 December 2024

Enchanted Nutcracker

Brand: Galison

Pieces: 500
Size:  50.8cm x 50.8cm

Product Code: -

Today is the Australian Nationals Jigsaw Puzzle Competition! It will be held in Melbourne at the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre and I'm so looking forward to attending! Because I don't have much time to write today in the lead up to getting there and competing, I have just decided to post this quick image. I hope you like the design as much as I did.

I'll tell you all about the competition next week. Wish me luck!

Friday, 29 November 2024

Wonderland Gang

Brand: Arrow Puzzles

Pieces: 1000
Size:  69cm x 50cm

Product Code: -

As you're probably aware by now, I'm a sucker for cool illustrated designs when I'm buying and completing puzzles, and the above puzzle was no exception to the rule. 

When I first saw the above design, I had to purchase it (as well as the accompanying two other designs that came in the Carnival series with it). Although this is the only one from the trilogy that I have so far completed, I was happy with the quality and colours in the design (especially considering the brand is within a lower price-range). The quirky image and busy design made it stand out, and I'm happy that I was able to find it.

This is the last 'normal' puzzle I will be putting up over the next month- next week is the start of December! How did that come around so quickly?! The puzzles from here on in will be festive-themed to celebrate the arrival of Christmas and the holiday season.

Have you started doing any Christmas puzzles yet in anticipation of the holidays?

Friday, 22 November 2024

Lunarly: The Twelve Moons

Brand: Buffalo

Pieces: 300
Size:  54cm x 38cm

Product Code: 2580

I've just been going through my computer and looking at some of the older puzzle images I have taken- there are so many that I have done and not yet put up! 

The above is one of them. 

I bought this puzzle when Puzzle Warehouse was doing one of their 'Buy 2, Get 1 Free' Promos. The design drew my attention, and being a 300 piece puzzle, it was fairly quick to do. I love artsy type illustrations like this, and can't help but be drawn to them when I see they're available. 

Is there a particular design style you gravitate to? Do you tend to buy puzzles of a similar type?

Friday, 15 November 2024

Thriller Classics

Brand: Clementoni (High Quality Collection)

Pieces: 1000
Size:  69cm x 50cm

Product Code: 39602

Last weekend, I was going through my puzzle collection and sorting all my completed puzzles from my new and uncompleted ones. My hope is to sell or give away the ones that I have done so that I can make some more room in our house (and maybe make a bit of extra cash on the side). I'd like to add that my husband was also pushing me to complete this task because he's getting a little frustrated with seeing puzzle boxes everywhere! Oops!

Anyway, I managed to get together all the ones that I wanted to sell (including the one above if anyone is interested) and came to a grand total of 126! These are ones I have completed, taken a photo of, and put aside, and range in piece count and brand variety. I'm thinking of either listing them on Facebook or eBay, or holding a market stall and just trying to sell them. What would you do with that kind of quantity?

Something to think about...

Anyway, let's move to today's puzzle... The above puzzle was a pleasure to do, and I was happy to recognise most of the titles, even if I hadn't necessarily seen the film. This puzzle would've been a good option for Halloween actually. I was happy with the quality of the puzzle and the way that it pieced together. The colours were vibrant and the layout of the design was interesting and caught my attention.

Do you enjoy doing collage-style puzzles? I have a few more in my collection that I'm keen to do....

Until next time... happy puzzling!

Friday, 8 November 2024

Disney Princess: Moana

Brand: Crown

Pieces: 48
Size:  23cm x 26cm

Product Code: 020375

Hi all!

In all the excitement of Halloween a few weeks back, I forgot to say that I was going to be absent the next week (which turned out to be last weekend) cos I was working interstate again. Hope you didn't miss me (or this blog) too much! Because of that, I didn't put up any posts or images and I'm sorry for not giving you the heads up about it. But that is likely the last time that will happen for a while, so never fear! 

Today I have decided to put up this image from a quick little cube puzzle I did. It took such a short amount of time to do, because of its piece size but the design image was bright and fun. I think it only cost $2 to buy though 😅😂I've chosen this one after watching the film last night, and in anticipation of the sequel which will be released sometime soon. I'll try and get a more substantial-sized puzzle done and up soon.

Have a great weekend!

Friday, 25 October 2024

Halloween Kitten

Brand: Sunsout

Pieces: 300
Size:  53.34cm x 60.96cm

Product Code: 32724

As we're only a few days out from Halloween, I thought it would be fitting to put up the above image. 

I never really used to care about Halloween, and thought it mostly to be an Americanised holiday, but over the last few years I have noticed it grow massively in popularity. My three-year-old daughter is keen to go trick-or-treating this year and wants to dress up in the highly imaginative costume of a ghost- I guess we'll see what happens...

As it happens, I have picked up some puzzles over time that feature Halloween-based designs. Not only have I collected Reverie Puzzles' two Halloween Advent Calendars but I purchased this one several years ago from Sunsout. It was tougher to do than expected for a 300-piece puzzle - the black of the cat and the surrounding orange hues made it much more challenging to piece together and the irregular shaped pieces added to the challenge. But after pushing through, the end result was quite cute.

Do you have many holiday-themed puzzles? Do you try to do them in time for the event?

Friday, 18 October 2024

Paul Frank Pirate Ship

Brand: Aquarius

Pieces: 1000
Size:  51cm x 71cm

Product Code: 65-521

What a crazy start to the weekend!! 

I finally got all my stitching done and delivered to the showgrounds on Monday for the Royal Geelong Show, that was meant to take place this weekend. I was all set to attend like I usually do on a Friday night. 

But the weather had other ideas! We had torrential rains, most of the roads were flooded and the Show decided to make the unprecedented decision to cancel the show (for Friday, still waiting to hear about the rest of the weekend) because of flooding and safety concerns. 

I had to drive through what was basically a river to get home and I'm hoping my car is faring well after its ordeal (I haven't driven it since last night and I'm worried about what the water could have done to its undercarriage).

So I still don't know whether I won any homecraft events, or even if I'll get to see my work on display (the showgrounds are probably all still flooded now). 

Hence my puzzle choice for today. I decided to put up this cute one featuring the iconic Paul Frank with his friends, sailing on a pirate ship. It seems a boat's the only way to get around at the moment in these parts! This puzzle was very good quality and the bright chunks of colour made it easier to piece together, although I had to leave most of the orange sky till last (luckily it was in gradient form rather than solid colour to make piecing it together easier). 

Have you had any crazy weather encounters lately? It's probably best to stay inside and get some puzzling done when it's like this anyway...

Friday, 11 October 2024

Fantastic Animals: Flamingos

Brand: Clementoni

Pieces: 500
Size:  36cm x 49cm

Product Code: 35067

I don't have much time to write today so I thought I'd put up this quick one! I'm a bit under the pump to get my stitching entries complete for the show and I'm going to lose a lot of valuable time because we're staying in Melbourne overnight so that my husband can compete in the Melbourne Marathon tomorrow morning. 

So I've put up this puzzle I have completed of some fabulous flamingos, to remind everyone that they too can be unique, flamboyant and fun! 

Have a great weekend!

Friday, 4 October 2024

Dreamworks Family On Tour

Brand: Ravensburger

Pieces: 1000
Size:  70cm x 50cm

Product Code: 139750

I'm finally starting to approach the end of my cross-stitching stint, which I think I mentioned in my previous posts, so that means there will soon be more, newer puzzle images on the way! In the meantime, here is one that I did a little while ago and that I absolutely loved. 

I've seen most of the films that these characters appear in, so it was a pleasure to do the puzzle and reminisce about where they come from. The quality was exceptional and I was so lucky to be able to find a copy of this puzzle on Facebook Marketplace at the time, because it can be quite difficult to come by.

Hope you have a great weekend and keep on puzzling!  

Friday, 27 September 2024

Colorful Yarn

Brand: Puzzlebug

Pieces: 500
Size:  46cm x 28cm

Product Code: -

If you've been following this blog for a while (or even if you haven't), you'd probably be aware that I have many other hobbies besides building puzzles, such as crafting, reading, collecting (and much more). Because of this, I don't s[end as much time as I'd like doing puzzles, but it also means that my interest in certain themes of puzzles is vast.

The above puzzle was a cheap quality one that appealed because of its subject matter- I love crafts and am an avid cross stitcher. Although the image depicts wool or yarn rather than threads, I was still drawn to it, and have decided to post it today because I am currently stitching madly to complete something for my local show. This is just a short reprieve until I pick up my needle again in a few minutes!

Despite the price of the Puzzlebug puzzles (and the cheaper quality) they still have designs that appeal to me and the above one was no exception. You can usually find a random design to suit the mood you're in.

Well, back to it. After all this show business is over, I'll be jumping right back into puzzling... Until then... 

Friday, 20 September 2024

Disney Mickey And Friends: True Pals

Brand: Crown

Pieces: 300
Size:  61cm x 46cm

Product Code: -

I decided to delve deeper into the puzzle photo archive for today's offering! 

I completed this puzzle in 2021 and until now, haven't posted it. I actually forgot I had done it! This one was a cheap but pleasing little purchase that I made just before the covid pandemic hit, and I completed it during that time. It was cute, quick and fun to do, and the pieces were of OK quality considering the price. I only really bought it because I liked the design.

I haven't really got much more to add at the moment but I'll soon be back into puzzling mode soon, once I have some other projects completed. Until then... keep on puzzling!