Friday 14 June 2024

Pajama Mamas

Brand: Galison

Pieces: 1000
Size: 68.58cm x 50.8cm

Product Code: -

Current mood? See above. 

I have been feeling so physically exhausted lately- between working, early mornings, gym sessions and always being on the go, I don't feel as though I've been able to just rest properly. I have all the feels for the above design, where the mamas are just chilling, sharing a cup of coffee and having a natter in their pretty PJs.

This puzzle was fun to do, with several colour points to focus on, and lots of different patterns. The pieces fit together well and the overall quality was great (as is usually the case for Galison). I also loved the illustration style, which instantly drew my attention. 

I will be working interstate over the next two weekends, so, once again, I won't be posting any more puzzles until I'm back. 

I've got grand plans to put up some awesome new puzzle images on my return... 

Stay tuned xo

Friday 7 June 2024

The Bookshop Cafe

Brand: Reverie Puzzles

Pieces: 1000
Size: 50cm x 70cm

Product Code: -

Hi all, I'm not sure if I mentioned a few weeks ago that I was going to skip a week of posting. I had to travel interstate for work and was unable to put up any photos on this blog or on Instagram. But I have a couple of weeks free before my next interstate jaunt, so here we are. Today you get the honour of seeing this amazing puzzle from Reverie Puzzles, and who knows what next week will bring!

This puzzle was a pleasure to put together. The design (like all of the ones commissioned for this brand) is gorgeous- I love the illustrations! The colours in this design are vibrant, the pieces fit together snugly, and there's just general good vibes surrounding this puzzle (I don't know how else to explain it). I own most of the puzzles from this brand and look forward to having the chance to complete them all at some point. 

Is there one puzzle brand that you absolutely love and wish to own every design from?

Friday 24 May 2024

The Travel Series: Pisa

Brand: Hinkler Elevate

Pieces: 500
Size: 59.4cm x 42cm

Product Code: -

How chilly have these mornings been? How lovely would it be to go travelling at this time of year? 

At the moment, I know so many people that are travelling overseas, including two of my brothers (although they are nearing the end of their trip now). The last photo they sent to us was a picture of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, hence my puzzle choice for today's post. I was inspired!

This puzzle was one of a set of four travel-themed designs from Hinkler Elevate. Even though it is of a cheaper quality, the puzzle pieces were still quite good, and the colour gradient of the background made it easy to complete. I have already done the other three puzzles in this set and hope to put them up soon. 

In the meantime, I will be attending a speed puzzle competition with my husband tomorrow in Melbourne and am so looking forward to it! Hopefully I'll be able to complete it in the time allocated! Wish me luck :)

Friday 17 May 2024

House Of Astrology

Brand: Galison

Pieces: 500
Size: 50.8cm x 50.8cm

Product Code: -

Anyone who has followed this blog or my Instagram page will know that I am often drawn to particular designs. I love Disney and popculture images, as well as illustrated designs that use bold and bright colours. Sure, I like many other styles too, but these are my predominant go-tos. 

The above puzzle, by Galison, ticks the boxes for illustrated puzzles, as well as my fascination with horoscopes and astrology. I'm the first to tell you that I'm a practical person, and don't believe in the 'properties, spirituality, etc' associated with horoscopes, starsigns, crystals and all that jazz, but I still find it all fascinating. The above puzzle was equally fascinating, and a pleasure to do. It even featured gold foil on the pieces which added an extra sparkle to the design. The pieces fit together well too, which is always a bonus. 

Have you done any of the gold foiled puzzle before? They seem to becoming more readily available and I find them so pretty...Let me know your thoughts.. Until next time...

Friday 10 May 2024

Tropicana Australiana

Brand: La La Land

Pieces: 500
Size: 48.2cm x 35.5cm

Product Code: SP-LL07

It's my birthday today! So I thought I'd put up a beautiful puzzle that I completed last year from Australian brand La La Land. This colourful and vibrant design really caught my attention, and was even used in a state puzzle competition (although I can't remember which one). I really wanted to put up a puzzle that I received for my birthday from a really good friend but I obviously haven't had the chance to do it yet. He bought it for me on a recent trip to Japan and I absolutely love it. It's Tenyo, and Disney, and just amazing. 

Have you absolutely loved any puzzles you've ever been gifted? I definitely have!

I'll speak again next week when I have more time. Oh, and Happy Mother's Day for tomorrow to all the mums out there...

Friday 3 May 2024

Bookstore Astronomers

Brand: Eeboo

Pieces: 500
Size: 58.4cm x 58.4cm

Product Code: PZFBKA

Hello! And May the fourth be with you! Yes, today is Star Wars Day and in typical 'me' fashion, I have neglected to do a puzzle featuring characters from the popular franchise. So to compensate, I have put up a puzzle featuring some astronomers hard at work in their bookstore. 

I loved this design from Eeboo. The colours are vibrant, the illustration is detailed and pretty and there is so much to draw your attention into the puzzle. 

I'm going to have to cut this post short but if you ever get the chance to tackle this 500 piece puzzle, take it, as you won't be disappointed. 

Friday 26 April 2024

Places You Will Go

Brand: Buffalo

Pieces: 500
Size: 54cm x 38cm

Product Code: 3122

As you may be aware, I have been travelling a little bit for work recently- just interstate, but it means that I haven't been home to post puzzles up like I usually do. My workplace has recently released the next events dates for expressions of interest and I most likely will apply for all of them. Even though it's work, it's good to get out and experience different places! 

In another reference to travel, I currently have friends on a honeymoon in Western Australia, and their photos look amazing! One of my workmate's is currently on a tour in Europe and a good friend has just returned from Japan. What's more, two of my brothers will be travelling Europe next month (boy, that's come around quickly) so today's puzzle has a decidedly obvious travel theme. 

The above puzzle was quite fun to do. I did it in sections according to colour and pieced it together quite quickly. With vibrant colours and a beautiful illustrated design, this puzzle was a pleasure to put together. 

Do you have travel plans over the coming months? Where will you be heading off to? 

Saturday 13 April 2024


Brand: Happy Place

Pieces: 1000
Size: 49cm x 68cm

Product Code: -

I've gone with a somewhat different puzzle style for today's post (which you may also notice is a day late due to the wedding I attended yesterday). T

his illustrated collection of dresses, tops, skirts, pants and footwear (created by Hennie Haworth) drew my attention immediately. I've always been fascinated with fashion drawings and love to see the creativity come out to play. Putting this puzzle picture up has actually inspired me to dig out a couple of fashion-themed puzzles that I know I have hidden away and do them!! This puzzle was relatively easy to do when you searched for particular patterns in the clothing designs, and completed them in parts. I found it easier to leave the border and white fillers till the end. 

This was the first puzzle I have done from this brand and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Although they are a little pricey, I have my eye on a few other designs so we'll see what eventuates from that.

I most likely won't be putting up a post at all next weekend because I will be travelling interstate for work. However, I will be back the following week with yet another puzzle post for you.

Take care and keep puzzling!

Sunday 7 April 2024

Disney Princess Collage

Brand: Ceaco

Pieces: 1000
Size: 68cm x 48cm

Product Code: -

You may have noticed that this post has come out a little later than is the norm- I usually post on a Saturday morning but this weekend I was working and was unable to get it out until now- my first day off! So I've decided to put up a cute puzzle that I did a while ago that represents some of the characters I saw over the weekend! I was working at Melbourne Supanova and saw quite a few cosplay Disney princesses strolling around, hence the above image. 

I really enjoyed doing this puzzle- I'm not sure why but stained glass images really appeal to me. Not only do they look super cool but they also provide a bit more of a challenge. I'm one of those people that used to always do the border pieces first, but with ones like this, it's so much easier to get the bulk of the image completed first and then leave the border pieces for the end. 

The image design for this one was stunning and vibrant and I really enjoyed piecing it together. 

I'll be travelling again over the next few weekends, so my posting will once again be a little bit sporadic. Next weekend I will be attending a Friday wedding and we'll likely be staying the night in the town it's being held, so I probably won't be posting until the Sunday. And the weekend after will see me in Sydney for work once again (so that one may be a Monday afternoon affair (or I might just postpone it until the following weekend, depending on how I feel). 

Regardless, know that I will be looking forward to posting up some more puzzle images very very soon...

Until then, take care!

Friday 29 March 2024

Kingdom Of Happy Joy

Brand: Fred

Pieces: 500
Size: 50.8cm x 50.8cm

Product Code: 5289347

Happy Easter for tomorrow!

As my usual MO, I have once again neglected to find a puzzle that perfectly fits the theme for the week. I'm pretty sure that last year (and probably years previous) I have said that I will have an Easter-themed puzzle ready in time for the following year- whether it be one that features eggs, bunnies, chocolate or any other such thing. Alas, it is not to be (again). 

I did, however, manage to complete this one, which is cute and features a bunny (but is not really related to Easter). The title is even Kingdom of Happy Joy which I feel is slightly appropriate when considering feelings around Easter and how you feel as you're eating chocolate (but I also admit that's kind of a stretch). 

Even though I have a few Fred branded puzzles, this was the first one I had completed, and I wasn't disappointed. The fit was wonderful and the colours are a lot more vibrant than my photo suggests. I also liked that the image was different to other brands- a little bit unusual, cute, nostalgic and whimsy. 

I hope you have an excellent and safe Easter and look forward to seeing you again next week with a fresh puzzle pic!

Friday 22 March 2024

Krypt Gradient

Brand: Ravensburger

Pieces: 631
Size: 70cm x 50cm

Product Code: 168859

A few days ago it was International Color Day and so I thought it would be fitting to put up a photo of a gradient puzzle I completed a while ago. 

This is one of the Ravensburger Krypt puzzles- there are quite a few colours in the series but this is the only one I have purchased or attempted to do. 

I like the idea of the challenge for solid colours but I think I would get much too frustrated trying to do one. I prefer images to complete rather than that sort of thing. But I was happy to give the gradient one a go, simply because of the colours and the fact that it's probably one of the easiest to do from the collection!

Unfortunately, my photo doesn't do the colours of the puzzle any justice- they're much more vibrant and pretty in real life! 

Have you done any of the Krypt puzzles? What did you enjoy about them?

Friday 15 March 2024

Jurassic Jumble

Brand: Wentworth Wooden Puzzles

Pieces: 50
Size: 32.9cm x 25cm

Product Code: 910307

I was trying to find a green-themed puzzle because tomorrow is St Patrick's Day and this was the best I could come up with on a moment's notice. This wooden puzzle was gifted to my daughter for Christmas last year but was way too difficult for her (she's only three years old!) so I decided to do it myself haha!

It has a few dinosaur-themed whimsy pieces and was the exceptional quality you'd expect from a Wentworth Wooden Puzzle. The illustration is by Rosiland Solomon, and I'm curious to see what designs might be available from this artist.

Sorry, today's post is just going to be a short and sweet one.

Hope you have a great weekend of puzzling and I'll see you next week!

Friday 8 March 2024

Women Of The World

Brand: Hinkler

Pieces: 500
Size: 61cm x 45.7cm

Product Code: -

Yesterday was International Women's Day, a day when women are celebrated for their contribution to society and all that jazz. Honestly, I don't know how I feel about the day- it feels a bit like a farce to me. I mean, I'm all for celebrating this sort of thing, but dedicating a day (when it should be celebrated every day) seems a bit strange to me.

Regardless, I have put up a puzzle today that features women, in keeping with the theme. This puzzle was just a cheap one to purchase but the overall quality wasn't too bad. The colours were vibrant, the image stood out to me (you know how I love a pretty illustration) and the fit was decent. 

On a different topic, how's the weather at your place? We're about to go through a long weekend heat-wave. It will be interesting to see how I go with the warm weather- hope you stay cool this weekend and I'll see you next week with something fresh!

Friday 1 March 2024

Camper Life

Brand: Eeboo

Pieces: 1000
Size: 58.4cm x 58.4cm

Product Code: PZTCAM

How was your week? I wasn't sure which puzzle to put up today so I went with a vibrant, busy one from Eeboo. I loved this illustration, with all it's hidden little details that weren't really noticeable until you were piecing it together. 

Unfortunately I don't have much time to write this morning, so I'm just going to leave the image here and say that it was an enjoyable puzzle to complete. 

I hope you have a good weekend!

Friday 23 February 2024

Mixtape Afternoon

Brand: Galison

Pieces: 500
Size: 50.8cm x 50.8cm

Product Code: -

Can you believe we're already approaching the end of February for another year?! The weekends have just been hectic and flying by so fast. Today will be a relatively quiet day but tomorrow my husband is competing in a small triathlon in the morning, and then we'll be attending the wedding of one of my closest friends in the afternoon! Talk about a busy day! There was also a puzzle competition scheduled for tomorrow in Melbourne somewhere which I obviously won't be going to with all that's happening so I'll have to leave it till another time. 

That said, today I've decided to put up a puzzle that I did a short time ago (some of my photos are years old so this is a very recent one). The illustration drew me in straight away and reminds me of old-school playlist creation (whereas now I'd just make a playlist using Spotify). I figured it was relevant because of all the music playlists that are going through my mind right now with the approaching events this weekend. 

The colours are vibrant, it was a quick one to do, and as I already alluded to, the illustration is fun and bright. 

Have you got a busy weekend planned or will you be setting some time aside to do puzzles? 

Friday 16 February 2024

Disney Double Sided

Brand: Typo (Cotton On)

Pieces: 1000
Size: 80cm x 50cm

Product Code: -

I said I'd try and do a 'love-themed' puzzle today because it was Valentine's Day during the week but of course, I never got around to it. So I had to search through some previously completed images and find something. The above was the most 'romantic' one I could find in my quick search and so here it is!

I did this double-sided puzzle a few years ago, but it was not as great as I expected unfortunately. The Sleeping Beauty image was so pixellated and poor quality. It was almost as if they took the image, enlarged it and printed it, without a further thought! The other side wasn't quite as bad, but it also wasn't too great. Typo is a stationery store (an offshoot from the Cotton On clothing brand) so it was somewhat expected that it wouldn't be the best puzzle but still disappointing regardless. 

But enough said about that! I'll make sure I find a better image for next week! Besides, my photos of it aren't too bad and sometimes it's good to feature images that are a little less perfect...

Friday 9 February 2024

Mystic Dragons

Brand: Ravensburger

Pieces: 500
Size: 49cm x 36cm

Product Code: 148394

This weekend is Lunar New Year and so I have decided to put up the only dragon puzzle I have completed in a while to commemorate the Year of the Dragon! 

I have a few others in my collection, including a beautiful one from Reverie Puzzles, but I never got the chance to complete it in time. 

This puzzle had it's challenges, despite being only 500 pieces, due to the similar colours and 'textures' in the design, but it was very satisfying to complete. I was lucky enough to win this puzzle in an online competition, with a company that has unfortunately now gone out of business. 

What's on for your weekend? Will you be celebrating Lunar New Year? Or having an early Valentines Day? I'll try and get a 'love-themed' puzzle done in time for next week to celebrate that one...