Friday 28 May 2021

Flame Grilled Burger And Fries


Brand: Puzzlebug

Pieces: 500
Size: 46cm x 28cm
Product Code:  -

Yesterday (May 28) was International Burger Day, so I thought it would be fitting to put up a picture of a burger that I once completed.  This one was by Puzzlebug and the quality was typical for the brand but I thought the image was quite enticing. I must have been hungry when I bought it!

While I have preferences for the brands of puzzle I do (because they have better designs or are better quality), I also love to pick up other, cheaper puzzles just for the image. While the Puzzlebug puzzles are super cheap and often low quality, they have a lot of everyday images that are useful for posts like today. I don't think any of my ordinary puzzle brands would feature a burger puzzle like the one above!

Do you buy cheaper puzzles if it means a variety in design subjects?

Friday 21 May 2021

The World Of Frida Kahlo

Laurence King Publishing

Pieces: 1000
Size: 68cm x 48.5cm
Product Code:  39521

I am an admirer of art (even if I don't know a lot about it) and have to say that I am quite fascinated with Frida Kahlo and her works. Popular within all of the 'feminist' circles and 'women power' movements, I think Kahlo has really gained prominence over the last few years (even more so than she used to have). I have definitely noticed a lot more puzzles available that feature her anyway.

This puzzle, illustrated by Laura Callaghan, features lots of different details from Frida Kahlo's most popular paintings. It was quite interesting to do- so many aspects were involved in the artwork and you came across something new every time you looked or put another piece together. It's also bright and draws your attention- the way I like a lot of my puzzles! 

After doing this puzzle, I'm curious about the woman within the design- looks like I'll be reading up about this artist very soon...

Friday 14 May 2021


Brand: Clementoni

Pieces: 1000
Size: 69cm x 50cm
Product Code:  39521

I have decided that it's finally time to follow the trend and put up a copy of a gradient puzzle that I have done! I did this one quite a few months ago and have been sitting on the picture for a while. I wanted to post it at some point but so many other puzzles won out each time... until now!

This puzzle was not as challenging as I thought it would be. The colours eased into one another quite well, which allowed me to finish it quite quickly. And oh those colours! So pretty and bright!

This one was by Clementoni but I have seen gradient puzzles from a variety of brands and am interested to know if they differ much in difficulty. I might have to suss it out... 

Have you done a gradient puzzle and did you find it challenging?

Friday 7 May 2021

A Princess Is Born

Brand: Arrow Puzzles

Pieces: 500
Size: 61cm x 45.5cm
Product Code:  -

Tomorrow I will be celebrating my first ever Mother's Day (as a mum) and it's so bizarre! My husband has asked me what I want to do on the day, cos as he said 'It's all about you' but I have no idea what we should do to celebrate... maybe go out for lunch? I have to make a decision soon because I'm sure most places will book out. 

In the meantime, I have put up this puzzle by Australian brand Arrow Puzzles which I think captures a lovely image of motherhood. Take note that the colours are a lot more vibrant in real life (my camera didn't capture them as well as I hoped). This is such a sweet design and is one of three by artist Hannah Lynn for her Anime Series. 

This is the first time I have put up an Arrow Puzzles design (although I have now done a few)- they're available at Kmart and feature lovely designs at an extremely affordable price. 
I might have to put up a few more in the coming months. 

For now, however, I need to suss out what to do for tomorrow. Wish me luck!

Monday 3 May 2021

Star Wars: Rebel Heroes


Pieces: 100
Size: 38cm x 28cm
Product Code:  -

Well this is somewhat out of the ordinary- I'm posting on a day that isn't Saturday morning! 

But there is a reason- it's May the Fourth- and as any self-respecting fan knows, that means it's Star Wars Day! 

The above puzzle is my contribution to the day. 

May the Fourth be with you!