Friday 7 May 2021

A Princess Is Born

Brand: Arrow Puzzles

Pieces: 500
Size: 61cm x 45.5cm
Product Code:  -

Tomorrow I will be celebrating my first ever Mother's Day (as a mum) and it's so bizarre! My husband has asked me what I want to do on the day, cos as he said 'It's all about you' but I have no idea what we should do to celebrate... maybe go out for lunch? I have to make a decision soon because I'm sure most places will book out. 

In the meantime, I have put up this puzzle by Australian brand Arrow Puzzles which I think captures a lovely image of motherhood. Take note that the colours are a lot more vibrant in real life (my camera didn't capture them as well as I hoped). This is such a sweet design and is one of three by artist Hannah Lynn for her Anime Series. 

This is the first time I have put up an Arrow Puzzles design (although I have now done a few)- they're available at Kmart and feature lovely designs at an extremely affordable price. 
I might have to put up a few more in the coming months. 

For now, however, I need to suss out what to do for tomorrow. Wish me luck!

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