Friday 28 May 2021

Flame Grilled Burger And Fries


Brand: Puzzlebug

Pieces: 500
Size: 46cm x 28cm
Product Code:  -

Yesterday (May 28) was International Burger Day, so I thought it would be fitting to put up a picture of a burger that I once completed.  This one was by Puzzlebug and the quality was typical for the brand but I thought the image was quite enticing. I must have been hungry when I bought it!

While I have preferences for the brands of puzzle I do (because they have better designs or are better quality), I also love to pick up other, cheaper puzzles just for the image. While the Puzzlebug puzzles are super cheap and often low quality, they have a lot of everyday images that are useful for posts like today. I don't think any of my ordinary puzzle brands would feature a burger puzzle like the one above!

Do you buy cheaper puzzles if it means a variety in design subjects?

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