Friday 27 July 2018

Mother Tiger And Cub

Brand: Puzzlebug
Pieces: 100
Size: 22cm x 28cm
Product Code: -

Whenever there is an international recognition day happening, I try to relate it to a puzzle that I've done (if it is at all possible, and if I actually remember to commemorate the day!) Obviously if there is nothing on, I'll just put up a random puzzle that has some other reference point, but today we're in luck!

Tomorrrow (July 29) is International Tiger Day, so I have put up this simple 100 piece puzzle that I just happened to have :) Featuring a tiger mother and her cub (as the title so cleverly suggests), this puzzle was extremely quick to do and quite fitting for the day.

I don't really have much more to say on it- the quality was good for the price and the pieces fit together well. Hmm... I wonder what next week will bring?! 

Friday 20 July 2018

Pets Rock Film

Brand: MB Puzzle (Crown)
Pieces: 1000
Size: 45.7cm x 60.9cm
Product Code: -

I got all four wisdom teeth out during the week, so I've had plenty of time to sit around and do things at home while I recover- there's no way I'm going out in public with puffy swollen cheeks and bruising! 

So while I can get a few puzzles done, I also have the chance to watch a few films- hence my choice for today, Pets Rock Film. 

In typical fashion, the cats and dogs in this design are dressed up to replicate famous film stars and characters. They are instantly recognisable, which means that the people behind the looks have got themselves sorted! I have put up a Pets Rock puzzle in the past (Pets Rock Fame) and some of the images from this one were used in that one too, although I found this puzzle to take longer due to the film reel and red background. Sometimes the pieces were very similar and it was difficult to find which one went where, but that's all part of the fun. 

Besides that, this puzzle was quite easy to do when you sorted the puzzle into each individual 'portrait'. I have one more of these puzzles in my collection- music- and I'll put it up eventually. Until then, we'll see what else I can do... 

Friday 13 July 2018

Colorful Beach Huts, Maldives

Brand: Puzzlebug
Pieces: 500
Size: 46cm x 28cm
Product Code: -

Once again, we're facing a freezing cold day here in Victoria, Australia. I guess that's to be expected when it's mid-winter but it's still not terribly pleasant!

To try and make the day seem less dreary I have put up a picture of a tropical paradise- a scene from the Maldives. How lovely would it be to rest on the deckchairs in the sunshine and listen to the ocean waves lap against the shore? 

This puzzle design was attractive to me because of the bright colours and clear image, however the quality of the pieces wasn't as good as I have experienced in the past- they didn't seem to fit together as well as they have in previous times. That said, I don't usually expect superior quality from this 'budget' brand anyway, so any good one in previous times has always been a bonus. 

At least the finished picture is pretty. 

Friday 6 July 2018

Light Changed Sweet Sugar Cube

Brand: Epoch
Pieces: 2016
Size: 50cm x 75cm
Product Code: 23-085

I felt like putting up a 'busy' puzzle today, and you can't get more busy than this one! 

Featuring the artwork of Japanese artist Kayo Horaguchi, this is a vibrantly coloured and chaotic design which features mystical castles, floral-topped cats, flying horses and amanita mushrooms. With tiny pieces, this puzzle was an absolute pleasure to do, and less challenging than you may think. Although there were some instances when colours were similar, most of the shades were specific to a certain area of the design which made it less difficult to place them.

This was my first attempt at an Epoch branded puzzle and I wasn't disappointed. The combination of quality and design was outstanding and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I only have one small complaint, and that is that some of the pieces were cut so finely (due to their size) that the edges broke off (but this only happened on two and can understandably happen with any brand). 

I'll be taking on more Horaguchi designs in future, as well as Epoch branded puzzles, because they're definitely my cup of tea! :)