Friday 13 July 2018

Colorful Beach Huts, Maldives

Brand: Puzzlebug
Pieces: 500
Size: 46cm x 28cm
Product Code: -

Once again, we're facing a freezing cold day here in Victoria, Australia. I guess that's to be expected when it's mid-winter but it's still not terribly pleasant!

To try and make the day seem less dreary I have put up a picture of a tropical paradise- a scene from the Maldives. How lovely would it be to rest on the deckchairs in the sunshine and listen to the ocean waves lap against the shore? 

This puzzle design was attractive to me because of the bright colours and clear image, however the quality of the pieces wasn't as good as I have experienced in the past- they didn't seem to fit together as well as they have in previous times. That said, I don't usually expect superior quality from this 'budget' brand anyway, so any good one in previous times has always been a bonus. 

At least the finished picture is pretty. 

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