Friday 26 January 2024

Plant Babies

Brand: Hinkler

Pieces: 500
Size: 61cm x 45.7cm

Product Code: -

You may have noticed over time, just looking through my feed, that I am a big fan of illustrated puzzle designs.

I love bold drawings with lots of colour and detail, especially when they have an arty feel. The above puzzle ticks those boxes- I was instantly attracted to this design when I first came across it, and had to purchase it right away! Luckily it was in a cheaper price range, being a Hinkler puzzle (and sold at Kmart) so I could justify buying yet another one when I already had such a huge to-do pile. Of course, there were also a couple more designs available that needed to be purchased too but that's another story...

This puzzle wasn't bad quality-wise, considering the price, and as I mentioned, the design was a huge drawcard. Well worth the 10 dollars I spent on it. 

In other news, there's a jigsaw puzzle competition for charity being held today which I will be attending and competing in in Melbourne. Eek how exciting! Hopefully the traffic won't be as miserable as last time's and I'll get there early enough with plenty of time to spare...

I'll let you know how I go.. Until next time!

Friday 19 January 2024

Blooming Pokemon

Brand: Impact Merch.

Pieces: 300
Size: 50cm x 60cm

Product Code: IMPZ0225

Well, it's just one more week to a small puzzling competition I have entered, and I am nowhere near prepared! I have only done one puzzle for practice in the time since I paid the entry fee, so I really need to get cracking and get some done! 

All I know is that it's a Ravensburger puzzle, it will be 500 pieces, and I have 3 hours to complete it in- so hopefully I should be OK with it.

Since I'm running out of time, I might keep this short and quick and get to it now. 

Lately, I've really been getting into Pokemon. I mean, I've always been a fan and I collected the trading cards as a kid, but I'm now back into collecting them again. I think I've put up Pokemon puzzles in the past (I honestly can't remember), but this was a small quick one that I did last year. It was only 300 pieces so it was pretty easy but the image is cute.

I have others in my collection that I will get to at some stage, but for now, I have to head off...

Friday 12 January 2024

DC Comics Bombshells


Pieces: 1000
Size: 51cm x 69cm

Product Code: 65-249

Happy New Year! 

Sorry about the belated post- what a great start to my posting for the year...

We had some fairly vicious storms last week and one of them fried our router so I had no internet last week and couldn't be bothered setting up my phone as a hotspot. But all is well now, so I'm posting my first puzzle picture for the year 2024 (albeit a week later than normal). 

How was your holiday season? Or are you still enjoying time off?  Did you get much puzzling done?

I unfortunately didn't get much done at all, which is a pity considering I have a competition coming up soon that I really need to practise for! I'll get into it as soon as I've put this up.

Today I've decided to put up a puzzle I completed a couple of years ago now (yes, I'm that far behind) because I feel like going with a girl power theme right now. This puzzle was fun to do, and I enjoyed seeing a different aspect to the DC Universe (which usually focuses more on the male superheroes and a select few women ones).

Anyway, finally got it up so hope you enjoy :)