Friday 19 January 2024

Blooming Pokemon

Brand: Impact Merch.

Pieces: 300
Size: 50cm x 60cm

Product Code: IMPZ0225

Well, it's just one more week to a small puzzling competition I have entered, and I am nowhere near prepared! I have only done one puzzle for practice in the time since I paid the entry fee, so I really need to get cracking and get some done! 

All I know is that it's a Ravensburger puzzle, it will be 500 pieces, and I have 3 hours to complete it in- so hopefully I should be OK with it.

Since I'm running out of time, I might keep this short and quick and get to it now. 

Lately, I've really been getting into Pokemon. I mean, I've always been a fan and I collected the trading cards as a kid, but I'm now back into collecting them again. I think I've put up Pokemon puzzles in the past (I honestly can't remember), but this was a small quick one that I did last year. It was only 300 pieces so it was pretty easy but the image is cute.

I have others in my collection that I will get to at some stage, but for now, I have to head off...

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