Friday 12 January 2024

DC Comics Bombshells


Pieces: 1000
Size: 51cm x 69cm

Product Code: 65-249

Happy New Year! 

Sorry about the belated post- what a great start to my posting for the year...

We had some fairly vicious storms last week and one of them fried our router so I had no internet last week and couldn't be bothered setting up my phone as a hotspot. But all is well now, so I'm posting my first puzzle picture for the year 2024 (albeit a week later than normal). 

How was your holiday season? Or are you still enjoying time off?  Did you get much puzzling done?

I unfortunately didn't get much done at all, which is a pity considering I have a competition coming up soon that I really need to practise for! I'll get into it as soon as I've put this up.

Today I've decided to put up a puzzle I completed a couple of years ago now (yes, I'm that far behind) because I feel like going with a girl power theme right now. This puzzle was fun to do, and I enjoyed seeing a different aspect to the DC Universe (which usually focuses more on the male superheroes and a select few women ones).

Anyway, finally got it up so hope you enjoy :)


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