Friday 3 September 2021

The Secret Garden

Brand: Ravensburger

Pieces: 1000

Size: 70cm x 50cm
Product Code:  168064

Have you ever had a puzzle that you've wanted desperately to do but you just cannot find it anywhere? 

The above puzzle is my unicorn puzzle and I'm excited to say that I was actually able to get hold of it to complete it!

It's only a fairly new release by Ravensburger, but the above design- illustrated by Demelsa Haughton- has been on my wishlist ever since I first saw it. I suppose a lot of people have been after it, because it has been sold out absolutely everywhere and been extremely difficult to find.

I was lucky enough however to get the chance to complete it- even if I wasn't able to own it. 

There's a wonderful new little business based in Tasmania called Thinkercise, where you are able to rent from a selection of puzzles. You can rent the puzzles of your choosing from their growing list, it is sent to you with a return label and after you've completed it, you send it back. You have 2 months to complete the puzzle from the date it is received. The owner of this business, Hannah, is absolutely lovely. 

I was so happy to discover that The Secret Garden was available to rent and jumped on the chance straight away. And what an amazing puzzle it is! The illustration is lovely and there are so many details to find. It actually took me a bit longer to complete than I anticipated- the leaves/branches on the sides and the white/grey around the birds was a bit more challenging than I realised but this just made it more interesting to do. 

Of course, being Ravensburger, the quality was excellent. 

If you're in Australia and would like to do some puzzles without forking out a fortune (and without having to onsell or store them somewhere afterwards) then renting from Thinkercise might be a good option for you.

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