Friday 30 November 2018

Cool Cats A-Z

Brand: Mudpuppy
Pieces: 1000
Size: 69cm x 51cm
Product Code: 01/2018 M120617G

I'll be the first to admit that I'm not usually a cat fan. I much prefer dogs over their feline counterparts, but every now and then a cat will come along that I don't mind quite so much. It's so bizarre! All of my closest friends have cats and I can deal with that, but I don't think I'd ever want one of my own. 

That's why I was surprised that I was so drawn to this puzzle. For some reason, the design really stood out to me. I have since learnt that there is a dog alternative and I wouldn't mind sourcing that. But for now, here is a bit of information about the above puzzle that I completed from Mudpuppy. 

I hadn't done this brand before but I wasn't disappointed. It's a little difficult to tell from the photo but the background of this puzzle is pale pink. The cat illustrations are unique but pretty (I'm not sure who the illustrator is) and well spaced out. This puzzle also features the breed names, various cat-related paraphernalia and flowers. I enjoyed piecing this one together, especially with such good quality pieces and minimal dust. 

I'll have to try and find the dogs one so that I can complete the 'set'!

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