Friday 2 November 2018

Colorful Houses, Burano, Venice Italy

Brand: Puzzlebug
Pieces: 500
Size: 46cm x 28cm
Product Code: -

I'm not sure if you've seen the extraordinary footage or photos of Venice at the moment, but if you haven't, it's well-worth checking out! 

I know that they're used to the occasional sinking of their city into the water, but the way they just accept that it's happening and adapt to suit the situation is so bizarre to me! 

I saw a video on Facebook last night of people in a restaurant just wading through at least 10cm of water- dressed in their ordinary outfits and with the addition of gumboots (or bootie-type things to cover their shoes). They didn't let a little bit of water sloshing on the floor stop them from living their lives! I guess Venezians are just used to it...

I have decided to put up a photo of a Venetian scene which I found in the Puzzlebug range. Although the puzzle was cheap to buy, the vibrant colours and attractive image were a drawcard. It was quite easy to do if you sorted the pieces by colour (for the buildings), and the pieces fit together adequately (as expected for the price). 

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