Friday 9 November 2018

Great Painters: Vincent Van Gogh

Brand: White Mountain Puzzles
Pieces: 1000
Size: 61cm x 76cm
Product Code: 900S

So today I was in the mood to post a puzzle that felt arty. And what better way to represent an arty puzzle than to go to one of the masters of art- Vincent Van Gogh?! 

Unfortunately, I missed out on visiting the National Gallery of Victoria when his exhibition toured in Melbourne last year. But from all accounts (including that of my in-laws), it was a wonderful experience. Instead, I have had to enjoy his paintings through a different medium- a thousand cut out puzzle pieces of some of his most famous paintings! 

This was the first time that I had done a design from the White Mountain Puzzles brand, and I wasn't disappointed. The pieces fit well together and the colours were rich in tone. I love how they do so many collage-style designs- and covering such a large range of topics too! I'm sure I will do some more of these in the future, although that is dependent on the exchange rate- it's so expensive buying internationally at the moment! 

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