Friday 6 October 2017

Disney Collage

Brand: Crown
Pieces: 1000
Size: 45.7cm x 61cm
Product Code:  20088551

I've been doing quite a few Disney-themed jigsaw puzzles of late, so I thought it might be a good idea to put  them up gradually and not have a whole stack of them posted up at the same time!

The above puzzle was a cheap buy from Target but the quality was quite good, with a bright and cheerful design and a majority of the characters represented in the piece. I really like that it included some of the characters that tend to get neglected in Disney-themed montage or collage puzzles, such as Lilo & Stitch and Marie from the Aristocats. The quality of the pieces was good (except for one piece which was cut so closely that one of the round bits threatened to tear off every time I picked it up!), with adequate interlocking. 

As I mentioned above, this design was bright, cheerful and very inclusive of many characters which made it immediately stand out as one of the more interesting Disney puzzles available on the market today. It was also smaller than average in terms of finished puzzle size, which is always a win in my book! 

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