Friday 27 October 2017

Pinball Machine

Brand: Puzzlebug
Pieces: 500
Size: 46cm x 28cm
Product Code:  -

It's my husband's 30th birthday today so I thought I'd put up a puzzle to represent one of the things he enjoys doing occasionally- gaming! And what better than a retro arcade game like a pinball machine?! 

We have spent many a time playing pinball machines at various places, and he even considered making his own at one stage (which still may happen). Funnily enough, the best places to go to play these sorts of things are places that hold children's birthday parties. We've gotten many a free game this way, when kids don't understand that they get three balls, lose the first game and then wander off! Don't want to waste those other two balls! Haha! 

While doing this puzzle didn't emit any loud beeps, clangs or high scores, I did enjoy putting it together. It was relatively simple and quick to do. I realise that this is the second Puzzlebug puzzle that I've put up in a row so I'll make sure to shake it up a bit next week with a different brand!

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