Friday 20 October 2017

Candy Factory

Brand: Puzzlebug
Pieces: 500
Size: 46cm x 28cm
Product Code:  -

I live in a regional town in Australia, and at the moment, it's show time! Every year, the Royal Geelong Show descends upon the Geelong Showgrounds and people are treated to carnival rides, sideshow games, showbags, animal and homecraft competitions, fireworks, and all sorts of entertainment. 

I try to go every year (particularly because I enter different crafts into the competitions) and this year was no exception. I wanted to put up a puzzle today to represent the show, but the above image was the closest I was able to find. Although it's not really show-related, the bright colours and the carnival-type foods that are represented on the sign seem to relate to the show better than any other puzzle I have done to date. 

This puzzle was relatively easy to do when working in colour blocks, and, while the quality is quite cheap, the image still appeals. 

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