Friday 4 November 2016

Ballroom Blushes!

Brand: Wasgij? (Holdson)
Pieces: 1000
Size: 68.8cm x 49.3cm
Product Code:  17

Even though I like to post up pictures of all the puzzles I do, I was a bit hesitant about putting up this one. 

I think it may have been because I was worried about ruining the surprise involved in doing Wasgij? puzzles, where the picture on the box only provides a clue as to what the finished image will be once the puzzle is complete. 

Despite this concern, I did decide to put it up after all. I mean, what does it really matter? You only have to google the title to have plenty of other images pop up- mine is hardly going to make a difference!

This was a fun and slightly different puzzle to do. Like I mentioned earlier, the picture on the box is only a clue as to what the final image will be, which makes the puzzle slightly more challenging. You have to use your detective skills to work out where the pieces go and what you're going to end up with.

Ballroom Blushes is number 17 in this series, and it's the only one I have done so far, but I'm sure I'll pick up more in the future, provided they are still around. 

This puzzle is available from Fishpond by clicking the link below:

Wasgij Original 17 1000pc - Ballroom Blushes!

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