Monday 31 October 2016

Running Ponies

Brand: Puzzlebug
Pieces: 500
Size: 46cm x 28cm
Product Code:  -

Horse racing in Australia is a popular betting sport. But it isn't until the Melbourne Spring Racing Carnival (held towards the end of October and start of November) that things really start heating up. This is the main time of the year to see women spending small fortunes on designer racewear, hats and jewellery, and see folks drinking and betting away their pay packets on horse races, usually without a clue about what they are doing. 

While Derby Day, Oaks Day and a few others are always popular, it's the first Tuesday in November that most people look forward to the most. This is because many Victorians get a public holiday out of it- The Melbourne Cup. Known as 'The Race That Stops A Nation', this is the prestigious event that jockeys and racehorse owners aspire to compete in- and win.

While I don't own any puzzles of racehorses, I was able to find this one called Running Ponies (quite a fitting title, I think). It was quick to do, as each of the ponies are different colours, which made differentiating between the pieces easy.

As it is, I think this is an alright commemoration for such a popular horse racing event. 

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