Friday 2 February 2024

Woodland Picnic

Brand: Mudpuppy

Pieces: 500
Size: 51cm x 51cm

Product Code: -

Some puzzle designs are just cute... and this is one of them. When I saw this cute little illustrated scene, I knew I had to get it. The colours are vibrant, the animals are appealing and there is a lot going on within the design that draws your attention and makes you study the scene. And did I mention it's cute?! Haha

I timed myself doing this puzzle as practice for a puzzling competition last year. I finished it under 2 hours but it was trickier than I anticipated. 

Speaking of which, I entered a puzzling competition last week, but even though I got there on time this time around, I was unable to finish it within the two hour time limit. I had 42 pieces left. I was quite disappointed (with another 10 minutes I maybe could have finished) but was just glad I didn't have only one or two pieces left at finish (that would have been devastating to get so close). It seems that just over half of the entrants actually completed their puzzle and I was in the middle range for results. Not too bad, but next comp I want to actually finish it!

The Australian Jigsaw Puzzle Association (AJPA) has also recently announced the dates for most of their state competitions this year, and I'm hoping to enter the Victorian one once more.

Have you ever entered a puzzling competition? How did you go?

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