Friday 16 February 2024

Disney Double Sided

Brand: Typo (Cotton On)

Pieces: 1000
Size: 80cm x 50cm

Product Code: -

I said I'd try and do a 'love-themed' puzzle today because it was Valentine's Day during the week but of course, I never got around to it. So I had to search through some previously completed images and find something. The above was the most 'romantic' one I could find in my quick search and so here it is!

I did this double-sided puzzle a few years ago, but it was not as great as I expected unfortunately. The Sleeping Beauty image was so pixellated and poor quality. It was almost as if they took the image, enlarged it and printed it, without a further thought! The other side wasn't quite as bad, but it also wasn't too great. Typo is a stationery store (an offshoot from the Cotton On clothing brand) so it was somewhat expected that it wouldn't be the best puzzle but still disappointing regardless. 

But enough said about that! I'll make sure I find a better image for next week! Besides, my photos of it aren't too bad and sometimes it's good to feature images that are a little less perfect...

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