Friday 4 August 2023

Ocean Liner

Brand: Blue Kazoo

Pieces: 1000
Size: 50.8cm x 76cm

Product Code: -

I'm back!

After a lovely week spent in Vanuatu with the family, I am back to cold and blustery Geelong. Although I have to say I'm not totally disappointed, because although it was a great holiday, it's also very nice to be back home. 

While we were there, two cruise ships pulled into Port Vila. These are huge days for the town, because it means a booming tourist day and lots of business, so I thought I would share this puzzle that I completed some time back from Blue Kazoo's Across The Continent: A Vintage Travel series. I have all three of the puzzles in this collection (the other two are a plane and a train) but this one is fitting considering the huge cruise boats that we saw. 

The quality was exceptional, although I'm disappointed because they have some new designs but are not currently shipping to Australia. Hopefully this will be rectified soon, but, until then, I'll just have to get the other designs completed.

Now I need to catch up on some post-holiday work... 

See you next week!

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