Friday 21 July 2023

Fish School by Corinne Ferguson

 Puzzle Collector Art (Lafayette Puzzle Factory)

Pieces: 1000
Size: 51cm x 68cm

Product Code: -

During these colder months, I know a lot of people who are travelling overseas to escape the winter chill. 

This time around, I'm lucky enough to be one of them- I will be travelling with my little family (and my husband's family) to beautiful Vanuatu next week! That means I won't be posting next Saturday as I usually do- you'll get a week off from me! 

Because I don't have any puzzle images of Vanuatu, I figured the next best option would be to put up a photo of a puzzle I did many years ago (and have not yet posted). 

It features a multitude of colourful tropical fish- some of which I hope to see when snorkelling. And if I don't see any like them? It won't matter cos I'll still be in Vanuatu! 

This puzzle was so colourful, and quite easy to do in colour/pattern blocks. 

Have a great week and I'll see you in a few!

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