Friday 5 May 2023

Green Haven

Brand: Okay Lady

Pieces: 400
Size: 52cm x 52cm

Product Code: -

I'm so disappointed with myself! 

I was so sure that I had a Star Wars puzzle photo lying around that I could put up to commemorate Star Wars Day on May the 4th, but I didn't have any available at all (except a Christmas one which I will put up in December). Then I was like, "surely I have something royal to commemorate King Charles' coronation" (which is also happening this week). 

But no.

So I have instead put up this tranquil looking image from Okay Lady, featuring a woman tending to her multiple plants. 

I have to say, I've started to build a bit of a collection of puzzles featuring women and plantlife. There's just something so therapeutic about it. I have trouble keeping real plants alive so I prefer to buy succulents or lifelike  plastic plants (including plastic succulents) to meet these needs. And now puzzles featuring plants are becoming part of this collection too! 

I only have a few puzzles from this brand because they're quite expensive but the quality is lovely and the images are pretty. Next week I plan on being better organised for my Mother's Day post!

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