Friday 27 May 2022

Paper Clips


Pieces: 100
Size: 38cm x 26cm

Product Code: -

I have decided that from  now on I am going to try and make a conscious effort to put up puzzles that have a relevance to something that has happened/is happening during the week. 

For example, if it's National Donut Day, I'll try and put up a puzzle representing everyone's favourite baked good- the donut!

This was something I originally tried to do all those years ago when I started this blog/instagram crossover, and I'm sad to say that I've fallen behind dramatically. 

I have so many puzzles to do that can fit themes in this way, and they just get lost amongst all the others I buy. 

This may also be a good way to get myself to complete older ones I may have forgotten about, and somehow make my way through my stash! Here's hoping!

Anyway, today is National Burger Day and unfortunately I wasn't prepared so I don't have a relevant picture. But tomorrow appears to be National Paperclip Day (in Australia anyway, who would have thought?) so I have located a picture of this puzzle I did once. Success!

This was a cheap quality puzzle and it was really obvious through the thin cardboard, but the image was OK in the end. I can't really remember much else about it to tell you the truth...

We'll see how I go with this endeavour next week!

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