Friday 27 May 2022

Paper Clips


Pieces: 100
Size: 38cm x 26cm

Product Code: -

I have decided that from  now on I am going to try and make a conscious effort to put up puzzles that have a relevance to something that has happened/is happening during the week. 

For example, if it's National Donut Day, I'll try and put up a puzzle representing everyone's favourite baked good- the donut!

This was something I originally tried to do all those years ago when I started this blog/instagram crossover, and I'm sad to say that I've fallen behind dramatically. 

I have so many puzzles to do that can fit themes in this way, and they just get lost amongst all the others I buy. 

This may also be a good way to get myself to complete older ones I may have forgotten about, and somehow make my way through my stash! Here's hoping!

Anyway, today is National Burger Day and unfortunately I wasn't prepared so I don't have a relevant picture. But tomorrow appears to be National Paperclip Day (in Australia anyway, who would have thought?) so I have located a picture of this puzzle I did once. Success!

This was a cheap quality puzzle and it was really obvious through the thin cardboard, but the image was OK in the end. I can't really remember much else about it to tell you the truth...

We'll see how I go with this endeavour next week!

Friday 20 May 2022

Disney Grumpy

Brand: Ravensburger

Pieces: 500
Size: 50cm x 50cm

Product Code: 152391

Today, in Australia, it's Election Day. 

That means lining up outside various primary schools/preschools/government buildings etc and putting in our votes for a new Prime Minister and local politicians. It also means sausage sizzles, lots of political paraphernalia, and hopefully, an end to seeing those frustrating 'vote for me' posters and billboards everywhere!

I guess that's why I chose to put up a picture of Grumpy today! This political stuff is doing my head in- they're all as bad as each other! I know we're lucky that everyone has the chance to vote and that there is no danger for us in doing so, like there can be in other corrupt countries, but our potential political choices aren't really that good...

This puzzle was lovely to do, and was much the same as the others in the series. The pieces fit together well and the colours were vibrant. I only have a few left from this series to complete now- think I should try and get to it soon!

Friday 13 May 2022

Veil (Forgotten by Cris Ortega)

Brand: Heye Puzzle

Pieces: 1000
Size: 50cm x 70cm

Product Code: Art.-Nr. 29460

Do you have a stack of puzzle mail that has arrived lately? 

I do. 

So so much...

I've mentioned this before and I know I sound like a broken record but my ability to buy puzzles and store them to do later is far outdoing my ability to actually get any puzzles completed! I have sooo many puzzles to do, and more and more keep arriving (my fault I know- I need to stop buying them!)

A few days ago, I won an Instagram competition and my puzzle prize was sent to me, so that's another one again! Granted, it's an amazing design and I think I'm going to start it today, but it's still enabling my problem. 

I decided to put this puzzle up today because I did it such a long time ago and it deserves it's spot in the limelight. The design is beautiful but it was quite challenging to do at the time because of all the like-coloured background pieces. Once completed though... whoah! I love gothic girl designs- they're always so appealing (even though they can sometimes be challenging). The artwork is always amazing, and in the case of this one, I was really happy with the overall puzzle quality. 

Friday 6 May 2022

Cosmic Voyage

Brand: Crown & Andrews (The World's Most Beautiful Jigsaw Puzzles)

Pieces: 1000
Size: 49cm x 68.5cm

Product Code: -

It's so frustrating that I have so many puzzles, but when I want to put up a particular themed image, I can't find it! 

Take this week for example. 

During the week it was May the 4th (Star Wars day). Do you think I could find an image today to put up? No! 

I know for a fact that I have several Star Wars puzzles in my to-do pile but I haven't completed any lately to post! It's also Mother's Day tomorrow but I couldn't find anything appropriate in my saved photos for the day. 

So instead I'm going with a vintage puzzle I did (and have owned since I was a child). The relevance? There isn't any really. I like the image and feel like putting it up. I went through a real dolphin faze when I was in school and this was a puzzle I adored doing at the time. The design is by Christian Riese Lassen. I'm not sure if you can still get designs by him?

Do you have a stack of puzzles you want to do but haven't gotten around to yet? I have literally hundreds and I keep finding more I want to get. This situation is getting out of hand haha. I need to start putting restrictions on myself, especially when stores put new puzzles on sale!