Friday 6 August 2021

Home Sweet Home

Brand: Flow Workman

Pieces: 1000
Size: 67cm x 48cm
Product Code:  -

OK, the above house in the puzzle picture doesn't represent the way my home looks AT ALL, but as we in Victoria live through Lockdown 6.0, I thought that it might be appropriate (well at least the reference to home anyway).

Yes, you read that correctly. Lockdown 6.0.

I know that this one has hit more people harder than most- maybe because we only recently came out of 5.0 and things were seeming peachy. I'm not even really sure why this lockdown began. I didn't think there were any new major cases happening this time round but who knows? I just feel sorry for all the small businesses that are suffering because of it. 

Anyway I digress.... the above puzzle was quite interesting to do- I don't think I had done a Flow Workman puzzle before this one and I was pleasantly surprised at the velvety texture of the pieces and the tight fit. The colours were nice too. My only complaint was that some of the pieces had a sort of dusty residue on them, which was difficult to remove. This problem obviously comes from the manufacturing level, and hopefully it isn't the same across the board for all their puzzles. I quite like the range of unique designs that they have in stock and will likely get more as time goes on.

With all the lockdowns that have happened, I'm sure I'll have the time to tackle more!

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