Friday 30 July 2021

Needles And Such

Brand: MB Puzzle 

Pieces: 1000
Size: 50.8cm x 68.58cm
Product Code:  -

Yesterday (Friday 30 July) was World Embroidery Day so I thought it would be fitting to put up the above puzzle which features needles, thread and other embroidery materials! I have done a lot of embroidery over the years (mostly cross stitch though) and I love the fact that there is a day dedicated to commemorating such a fun and beautiful craft.

The above puzzle (with artwork by Angela Anderson) was a bit more challenging to do than I previously expected, probably because of the repeating motifs throughout the design, but I really enjoyed it regardless. The colours were vibrant and the design was busy (but not too busy if you know what I mean). The quality of the pieces was good for a cheaper brand puzzle. 

What hobbies do you do that have been commemorated by a special day? Have you seen puzzles around that are representative of your hobby? 

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