Friday 16 July 2021

2020: Commemorating The Hardest Year


Pieces: 500
Size: 52cm x 38cm
Product Code:  -

Hello Lockdown 5.0!

Yes, Victoria is in lockdown once again, with Corona cases making our premier decide that a snap 5-day lockdown from last Thursday onwards will be the way to combat it! It has worked in the past and hopefully will work again but I have to say that it's getting old. Just when we start to have a bit of freedom, we have to endure this again. 

Oh well. I guess it's better than the alternative...

I decided to put this one up today because 2020 may have been the hardest year but 2021 is shaping up to be a serious rival. 

You can't really tell from the photo (somehow it looks quite clear) but this puzzle was a design disaster. I received it from the website Wish (instead of the one I had actually chosen) and so I ended up getting it for free because they refunded my money. I'm so glad they did! I would NOT have wanted to have paid for it! Although the pieces fit together well (it's a wooden puzzle), the design was soooo blurry and low quality. I usually sell on my puzzles when I complete them but there's no way I could consciously sell this to somebody else. 

That said, I still decided to complete it and above is the end result. Have you ever done a puzzle that had such a poor print job that you decided to chuck it in?  Next week, once lockdown (hopefully) ends, I will put up a photo of a much better puzzle!

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