Friday, 5 February 2021

2020 Time Capsule

Brand: Funbox Puzzles

Pieces: 1000
Size: 75cm x 52cm
Product Code:  -

Well this may very well be the last post for a little while. As mentioned in my previous post, baby is almost here and although I would love to continue updating this blog and my Instagram posts, it will all depend on baby and her eating and sleeping habits. I'm under no illusion that it will be easy to juggle everything, especially at the beginning, so I'll simply do what I can.

So which puzzle have I chosen today as my last for a while? (potentially)

I thought I'd put one up to commemorate the past year with it's pandemic-inspired trials and tribulations. This one is from an Australian company called Funbox, and is fittingly titled 2020 Time Capsule. It features everything one remembers from the lockdown experience- masks, toilet paper, home schooling, working from home, cancelled travel tickets and jigsaw puzzles. I thought this was a great (and amusing) keepsake of the experience that so many people went through. Don't get me wrong, I know that a lot of people went through (and are still going through) terrible moments in their lives because of this virus but this puzzle design looks at the 'lighter' side of it.

This was the first time I had ever done a puzzle from this brand, and I was happy with how it turned out. The quality was good, the price was affordable and the design was fun. I'll probably end up purchasing more from this company now that they've proved to me they're worth buying from...

And so that's it (for now). I won't put any baby spam up on these pages once she arrives (unless she happens to feature in a puzzle design) so ciao for now and I'll see you all when the time is right...


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