Friday 3 July 2020

Patriotic Farm

Brand: Cardinal
Pieces: 500
Size: 35.56cm x 55.88cm
Product Code:  -

Now, I'm not American, but I understand that today is a very important day for Americans so I have decided to put this one up for them. 

Today is Independence Day, and while I would have preferred to put up a puzzle of the film cover (if such a puzzle exists) I have instead found this puzzle in my collection of a very patriotic-looking farm (hence the title). 

I enjoyed this little puzzle despite the enormous over-the-top flag on the barn- the pieces were small and well-made and the colours were vibrant. I know it vaguely suits the theme of 4th of July, but I'm not overly fond of patriotic gestures to country so I'm not really fussed about it otherwise. All I have to say is that it was small, fun, and relatively quick to do. 

I hope to have some time to do some new puzzles over the next few weeks so we'll see what's up next!

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