Friday 31 July 2020

1990's Film Alphabet

Pieces: 300
Size: 54cm x 38cm
Product Code:  -

I love nostalgia- in case you haven't noticed. I also love films and quizzes. Even better is when all these things are combined to make the ultimate in puzzles!

When I first saw this puzzle online, I couldn't help but want it- it's such a fantastic design! I was born towards the end of the 80's but I consider myself a 90's child because that's the decade I grew up in. Therefore, I was so excited to try and guess what each of these films were. I'm pretty sure I was able to name all of them quite easily, getting stuck on maybe one or two. Luckily there was a list included to help solve those mysteries!

The quality was quite good, and I've already mentioned my appreciation for the graphics in the design. They're just enough to identify the films without being too obvious. 

How many films in this puzzle can you name?

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