Friday 24 July 2020

Artist Hour

Brand: La La Land
Pieces: 1000
Size: 50cm x 70cm
Product Code:  PU-LL09

I thought I'd put up a puzzle from an Australian brand today, just for something a little bit different!

La La Land is primarily a gift brand that specialises in unique designs that feature Australian flora and fauna, and occasionally pop-culture references (like the one above). They sell tea towels, greeting cards and a range of other items, as well as a small range of jigsaw puzzles. 

The above puzzle is one that I picked up which features 7 well-known or influential artists enjoying a cheeky drink at the bar together. These artists all lived during different times but it is a fun imagining of what life would be like if they were all around at the same time and were able to compare their particular artistic styles with one another. 

The quality of this puzzle was quite good (for a company that doesn't specialise in puzzles) and I really enjoyed the unique design. Can you recognise all the artists in this image?

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