Friday 7 August 2020

Winnie The Pooh 2

Brand: Ceaco 

Pieces: 500

Size: 46cm x 36cm
Product Code:  -

Part of Kinkade Disney 4-in-1 (S2)

I never thought I'd compare myself to a fat yellow bear, but this is exactly how I'm feeling at the moment! Floating away on the end of a balloon and needing someone to tether me to the ground to avoid disappearing up into the clouds. 

The last few weeks have been full on here in Victoria, Australia, with the craziness of Covid-19.
We've had a spike in cases and deaths, and this has led to Melbourne going into stage 4 restrictions, while the rest of us in regional Victoria have reverted back to stage 3 restrictions (like those we experienced last May/ June). 

Who knows when it will end? 

Luckily, I was able to book in some annual leave (which just happens to be now during the beginning of Lockdown 2.0) so I can stay home and take care of personal appointments during this time. Luckily I also have plenty of puzzles to keep me occupied :)

The above puzzle is one of four in a box, illustrated by Thomas Kinkade. This one features Winnie the Pooh and friends. The pieces in these are unusually shaped but fit well together and the overall dimensions of the puzzle are quite small, which I like.

I have plenty more of these series so I plan to get them all done eventually. They're so cute!

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