Friday 22 May 2020

Cute Cupcakes

Brand: Puzzlebug
Pieces: 100
Size: 22cm x 28cm
Product Code:  -

I feel like today is a cupcakes kind of day. 

Who doesn't love pretty-looking baked goods? 

The above image is just a cheap brand from Kmart but they always have interesting designs which are alright for the quality and price. 

This is one of my last few days off left before I head back to work full time following the Corona-virus pandemic so I'll be more than happy to sit and eat a few of these before heading back. I'm sure I'll be able to drop the weight from consuming so much extra food while I'm there and walking around all day! 

I'm actually quite surprised that my long stint of less work is almost over and yet I didn't get that much extra puzzling done during this time. I definitely had plenty of puzzles to work on- enough for a few lifetimes at least!- but I just never got around to doing much. 

Maybe cos I was focusing on other projects? Or on social media too much? Or cos I ran out of boards to do them on for a short while? Who knows?! I definitely have a few sitting around that I need to photograph though so I can get onto that when the light is good and then find somewhere to get them developed for my album. 

In the meantime, enjoy the cute cupcakes above (or a real alternative if you're able)

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