Friday 29 May 2020

Beauty And The Beast Stained Glass

Brand: Tenyo
Pieces: 456
Size: 18.5cm x 55.5cm
Product Code:  DSG-456-732

Japanese puzzle brand Tenyo make such beautiful puzzles, and I thought it was about time I put another one up. 

This one is part of their stained glass range, where they take multiple characters from a Disney film and recreate a scene to feature them. There are several puzzles available in this style and I love them all- they're just so striking to look at! 

I've always been a fan of Beauty and the Beast- I could always relate to Belle and her love of books and reading- so I couldn't resist this one. As usual, the quality was spot on, and although the pieces are smaller than average, this also appeals to me greatly cos it means less space taken up to do the puzzle. 

A beautiful image and another successful Japanese puzzle...

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