Friday 26 April 2019

Garden Boots And Tools

Brand: Puzzlebug
Pieces: 500
Size: 46cm x 28cm
Product Code:  -

It's Autumn here at the moment and the weather is as unpredictable as ever! 

Yesterday was freezing cold and felt like winter, while only a few days ago (around the Easter public holidays) we had such beautiful sunny and warm weather! 

I basically chose to post this puzzle because I felt like the bright vibes of spring were evident in the design and I needed to see that to rid myself of the negative feelings this weather is bringing. It's not that I hate the cold - I actually prefer it- but only when it's winter!

This puzzle was very easy to do, and as I mentioned earlier, is vibrant and bright which instantly made it stand out to me.

Friday 19 April 2019

Jackalope Day Dream

Brand: New York Puzzle Company
Pieces: 200
Size: 48.3cm x 33cm
Product Code:  -

I was in a whimsical mood this morning, and so I thought that today would be the perfect time to put up this adorable design from illustrator and author Emily Winfield Martin. As part of her Dream World collection, this cute design is almost perfect for Easter (you can pretend the Jackalope is an Easter Bunny!)

Before going to North America several years ago, I had never heard of a Jackalope. But a lot of the places that I visited embraced this mythological creature and sold merchandise of it. While I picked up this puzzle online (and many years later), it still brings back fond memories of my trip...

As for the puzzle itself, the pieces were quite large (probably because the design is aimed at a younger audience and has a piece count of 200), but it was still a pleasure to do. The design is pretty and the quality is great. There are a few other puzzles in this collection (with varying piece counts), so fans of Emily Winfield Martin will have plenty to go on with if they enjoy her designs. 

Friday 12 April 2019

Taj Mahal (Oriental Marocco)

Brand: Ravensburger
Pieces: 500
Size: 49cm x 36cm
Product Code:  145348

The Australian government has recently announced our federal elections will be happening on May 18, 2019, where we are to vote for the party that will represent Australia on the world stage. 

Similarly, elections are taking place in India- with the general election scheduled to take place in seven phases from April 11 to May 19. 

Now I'm not really a follower of politics and the like- I honestly couldn't care less unless it has a significant impact on my life and the ones I care about- but I thought I would take the opportunity to put up a picture of a puzzle that has links to India and the news! 

This puzzle was pretty quick to do, however I'm not sure if it's actually available anymore- it may be out of print because I haven't seen it for sale in a very long time. On the box, it was called Taj Mahal but online (at the time of purchase) I kept seeing it listed as Oriental Marocco (which is why I put that title in brackets next to it).

The quality was great, the colours were vibrant and the image (as you can see), is lovely. I'm not sure if I would ever want to visit India considering all the poverty, but I can't help but be enticed by the beauty of this world famous mausoleum. 

Friday 5 April 2019

Broadway, NYC

Brand: Colorluxe
Pieces: 1500
Size: 58cm x 84cm
Product Code:  -

The winter months are fast approaching in Australia, and that means more and more people are travelling internationally to get away from the winter blues. Although I visited America several years ago on a Contiki tour, I never got the opportunity to visit New York City. 

This is one of the places I would love to see in real life one day. 

I love musicals and to visit Broadway and see a show or two would be a dream!

Instead, I will have to settle for imagery of the place through jigsaw puzzles! This puzzle from Colorluxe is 1500 pieces and captures the bustle of the busy Broadway streets. 

It wasn't very difficult to do, but I did get frustrated with the colour-sorting on the back. This is meant to make the puzzle easier for beginners by allowing them to sort the sections of the puzzle by colour and therefore helping them to work out where each piece goes. But I find the double-sided colour part tedious and annoying- I prefer to simply work from the image! 

Regardless, the puzzle turned out well and the pieces fit together nicely.

These are great and cheap puzzles if you want a slightly different design.