Friday 18 January 2019

Bear Fairy Tale

Brand: Unknown
Pieces: 1000
Size: 75cm x 50cm
Product Code:  -

I've done a lot of jigsaw puzzles over the years. These have ranged in piece size, brand and quality- I like to shake it up rather than stick to one particular type. If I see an attractive design, I will go for, whether or not I have done something from that brand before. It's usually the design that draws me in, rather than who makes it or how long it will take to complete.

That is how I ended up doing this puzzle. 

I purchased this one from the shopping app Wish, and even though the box text is all in Chinese, I managed to work out (thanks Google Translator) that this one is called Bear Fairy Tale (or something along those lines!). I have no idea what the brand is (or much else for that matter) but I was greatly impressed by the quality. 

The pieces are cut from wood and have the alphabet printed in sections on the back to help make the puzzling process easier. The front of each piece is glossy and bright and the design is cute and well done. 

I really enjoyed doing this puzzle and will probably look at others of the same style at some point. I haven't done a wooden puzzle as big as this before so it was a nice change from putting together the usual cardboard pieces. When designs are this cute, it's great to branch out and try something a little bit different!

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