Friday 1 June 2018

Candy Factory Fairground Concession Stand

Brand: Colorluxe
Pieces: 1500
Size: 58cm x 84cm
Product Code: -

Yesterday was National Donut Day, and I'm sad to say that I did not celebrate it in the way it was intended! 

I didn't eat any donuts, and I couldn't find any donut designs in my collection of puzzles that I could do and post for the day. I hope to remedy this for next year's event.

In the meantime, I have put up a Colorluxe puzzle of Candy Factory Fairground Concession Stand- the closest puzzle link to sweet foods that I could find in my collection of completed puzzles. 

This is one of those puzzles that has the coloured backs for 'easier' sorting, although I find them mildly annoying (particularly if the design is already bright because you may think you've found the piece you're looking for but it's actually just the back of the design). 

That said, the puzzle was quite quick to do, with the text surprisingly being the hardest part to piece together. 

I also completed this puzzle for the Global Jigsaw Jubilee, as it has a count of 1500 pieces. While it's not that pretty a design, it was good enough for a spur-of-the-moment purchase to continue the Jubilee while I waited for a pre-ordered puzzle to arrive!

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