Friday 7 April 2017

Disney And Pixar Character Collection

Brand: Tenyo
Pieces: 1000
Size: 51cm x 73.5cm
Product Code:  D-1000-383

It's been a while since I posted up a Disney puzzle so what better time than now?!

This awesome puzzle comes from the Japanese masters at Tenyo, who have created a design that features every major Disney and Pixar character from the very beginning until the early 2000s. 

Obviously there have been characters created since, but the puzzle doesn't cover those, as it was created before they came out on screen. 

However, if you're a fan of Disney, this puzzle will be the ultimate prize in your collection. 

The pieces are fantastic quality cardboard, and the design is well set out, with the iconic Steamboat Willie image in the middle, and the rest of the Disney and Pixar characters set out in blocks around it. If you know your characters well, you'll be able to complete this puzzle quite quickly, but it will be no less enjoyable to do.

On the back of the box, there is even a reference to each of the images, although a grasp of the Japanese language will be needed to translate, because none of it is written in English. 

This puzzle was a delight to do, and I'm glad I got the opportunity to do it.  

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