Friday 28 April 2017

Sailboat Village

Brand: Cardinal
Pieces: 500
Size: 35.5cm x 27.9cm
Product Code:   -

It's autumn here in the southern hemisphere and the days are starting to get colder. 

Perfect weather for sitting inside and doing a jigsaw puzzle, that's for sure! Especially when the wind outside is blustery and chilly, and we keep getting rain storms that make you want to avoid going outside. 

I decided to do this puzzle to remind me of the slightly warmer months, where a trip to the local marina in beautiful weather can brighten up your day. This puzzle was relatively quick to do, considering all the colour blocks of the buildings. The only part that took some time was working out where each of the buildings in the design were, because there were so many of similar colours! This was a bright and cheery design to complete and the quality of the pieces was excellent. 

I wouldn't mind visiting a picturesque place like this in the future!

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