Friday 14 April 2017

Colorful Buildings, Ponzan, Poland

Brand: Puzzlebug
Pieces: 500
Size: 46cm x 28cm
Product Code:  -

I have an extensive- borderline ridiculous- amount of jigsaw puzzles in my 'storage' cupboard. I plan on eventually getting through them all and posting them on this blog (and my Instagram account) for you to see. 

With so many different designs, you'd think that I would have one that would be relevant for this weekend- Easter! One with rabbits or chocolate or Easter eggs or something! But no- I searched through my entire collection (both at home and at my parents' house) and could find nothing! The one puzzle that I found that featured a bunny was one that I have already posted, Cupcake (Studio Pets By Myrna), and the only chocolate- themed one I could find (but discarded) was an old Cadburys Ad Poster, which I have had for decades and may post up eventually (although I think it is missing a few pieces). 

I know that there are puzzles available- I have seen a Disney-themed Easter one from Japan (although I was too late to order it), and Ravensburger have released a chocolate-themed puzzle also. But neither of them are in my collection so, this Easter weekend, I'll just have to forego a themed puzzle...

Since the last few puzzles I have posted have been more brown in colour (something I only realised after looking at my Instagram account), I have decided to post a decidedly brighter puzzle this time round. The buildings in this puzzle are so pretty- it would be amazing to see them in real life. This design was bright and cheerful and actually took me a little longer to do than I expected.

I started out doing the cobblestone road, then worked in colour blocks to complete the dark green building, and the light green building. I then worked the blue, yellow and red buildings, finished the other red one (on the end) and finally, completed the sky. It was much easier to tackle the design in this way. As I mentioned earlier, the design was vibrant, making it a joy to complete. 

Although the quality of these Puzzlebug puzzles isn't terribly great (they are cheap to buy after all), they do have some incredibly pretty designs, so I think I will continue to do them...

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