Friday 9 December 2016

Nob Hill By Jack Allen

Brand: Puzzle Collector Art (Lafayette Puzzle Factory)
Pieces: 1000
Size: 51 x 68cm
Product Code:  -

Every now and then, I like to shake things up in my puzzle collection and do a scenic design. 

While there are plenty of 'old-fashioned' designs out there that feature cosy cottages or nature scenes, this one stood out to me for its vibrant colours. 

While it's actually an illustration of a town- Nob Hill- rather than a photo, I thought it captured the bustle of a township perfectly. I had never actually heard of Nob Hill before doing this puzzle, but a quick Google search told me that it is a neighbourhood in San Francisco, USA, and that it is one of the original 'Seven Hills' of the city. I'm assuming this is the illustrator's representation of the place, with it's iconic trams (or cable cars, as they call them), swanky restaurants and a little harbourside port, I'm not sure if any of the places in this picture actually exist in real life, but it wouldn't be a bad place to visit. 

This puzzle was relatively quick to do when you divided it into colour sections, and the quality of the pieces was spot on- no problems at all!

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