Saturday 24 December 2016

Three Christmas Puzzles

Brand: Kids Create by PaperCraft
Pieces: 100 each
Size: 26.33cm x 23.19cm
Product Code:  -

Merry Christmas everybody!

Although the time stamp on this blog may not suggest it,it actually is Christmas Day here in Australia, and, as promised, here are the last of my Christmas-themed puzzles.

These three cute designs were picked up at a discount variety store, for only $2.99 each. With bold, bright and fun designs, I couldn't go past them, even though they are only 100 pieces each and quite cheap in quality. They don't even have titles, hence I have named them Puzzle 1, 2 and 3 (in the order that I did them). 

I hope you have a happy and safe Christmas and that Santa brings you everything that you wanted. 
Enjoy the holiday season and I'll post once again just before the New Year.

😊 🎄 🎅 🍸 🎉

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