Friday 20 September 2024

Disney Mickey And Friends: True Pals

Brand: Crown

Pieces: 300
Size:  61cm x 46cm

Product Code: -

I decided to delve deeper into the puzzle photo archive for today's offering! 

I completed this puzzle in 2021 and until now, haven't posted it. I actually forgot I had done it! This one was a cheap but pleasing little purchase that I made just before the covid pandemic hit, and I completed it during that time. It was cute, quick and fun to do, and the pieces were of OK quality considering the price. I only really bought it because I liked the design.

I haven't really got much more to add at the moment but I'll soon be back into puzzling mode soon, once I have some other projects completed. Until then... keep on puzzling!

Friday 13 September 2024

Memory Lane

Brand: Journey Of Something

Pieces: 500
Size:  55cm x 38.5cm

Product Code: -

This is just going to be a quick post today, because in less than two hours, I will be travelling to the airport for a weekend trip to Sydney! 

Because of that, I have decided to put up a simple yet interesting puzzle designed by Natalie Jeffcott for Journey Of Something. This puzzle was one of those ones that could be worked in stages because of the collage-style format of the design. Although I have to admit that I left the edges (and most of the white bits) until last to complete the puzzle!

It was a relatively quick and fun one to do and stands out for it's nostalgic toy factor.

Told you this one would be short and sweet. See you next week!

Friday 6 September 2024

Underwater Wonders

Brand: Ravensburger

Pieces: 100 XXL
Size:  49cm x 36cm

Product Code: 129720

We're starting to approach the end of the year and now a lot of puzzle-selling businesses are starting to offer sales on their stock in the lead-up to Christmas. Others, like Reverie Puzzles, are launching new collections.

If you're trying to be good and stop purchasing puzzles, this is an absolute nightmare! (But of the good kind, if there's such a thing)

Do you tempt fate and browse in case there's something you see that you want at a discounted price? Do you check out the new collection so that you can add to what you already own? Do you buy more, knowing that you don't even have the time or storage space required for any new additions? 

This is the dilemma I'm facing right now! 

If my husband knew that I was looking at sales and more puzzles, let's just say he wouldn't be too happy with me right now... Will have to keep it all on the down low..😐

Meanwhile, I have decided to put up the above puzzle today- because I am no longer the only one in my house who loves to put together jigsaw puzzles! My three-year-old daughter is now very much into the hobby and has tackled and completed this puzzle by herself, even though I originally thought it would be much too hard for her. She loves it! As do I, because the design is by Demelsa Haughton and who doesn't love her whimsical illustrations?!

I'm going to head off now, and try and talk myself out of looking at purchasing yet more puzzles! Have a great week!