Friday 8 March 2024

Women Of The World

Brand: Hinkler

Pieces: 500
Size: 61cm x 45.7cm

Product Code: -

Yesterday was International Women's Day, a day when women are celebrated for their contribution to society and all that jazz. Honestly, I don't know how I feel about the day- it feels a bit like a farce to me. I mean, I'm all for celebrating this sort of thing, but dedicating a day (when it should be celebrated every day) seems a bit strange to me.

Regardless, I have put up a puzzle today that features women, in keeping with the theme. This puzzle was just a cheap one to purchase but the overall quality wasn't too bad. The colours were vibrant, the image stood out to me (you know how I love a pretty illustration) and the fit was decent. 

On a different topic, how's the weather at your place? We're about to go through a long weekend heat-wave. It will be interesting to see how I go with the warm weather- hope you stay cool this weekend and I'll see you next week with something fresh!

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