Friday 22 March 2024

Krypt Gradient

Brand: Ravensburger

Pieces: 631
Size: 70cm x 50cm

Product Code: 168859

A few days ago it was International Color Day and so I thought it would be fitting to put up a photo of a gradient puzzle I completed a while ago. 

This is one of the Ravensburger Krypt puzzles- there are quite a few colours in the series but this is the only one I have purchased or attempted to do. 

I like the idea of the challenge for solid colours but I think I would get much too frustrated trying to do one. I prefer images to complete rather than that sort of thing. But I was happy to give the gradient one a go, simply because of the colours and the fact that it's probably one of the easiest to do from the collection!

Unfortunately, my photo doesn't do the colours of the puzzle any justice- they're much more vibrant and pretty in real life! 

Have you done any of the Krypt puzzles? What did you enjoy about them?

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