Friday 17 March 2023


Brand: Buffalo

Pieces: 1000
Size: 68cm x 50cm

Product Code: 12214

It seems like everyone is travelling or on holidays at the moment!

I have friends that are currently travelling Vietnam, Africa, Bali and Japan, and it's really making my travel bug come to the fore! But, even though I love to explore new places, sometimes I can't be bothered dealing with all the organisation involved in getting to that place. That's one of the reasons that I enjoy doing puzzles that focus on travel so much.

The above puzzle is from Buffalo, and it's one that I had been wanting to get for a long time, simply because of the colourful, pretty illustration. This puzzle was a pleasure to do, and I was able to complete it quite quickly by working in colour blocks. As I already mentioned, the design is so pretty, and I love that it covers a variety of different travel experiences. This is part of the Vivid Collection, and I'm keen to see if there are any more that might also interest me.

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