Friday 18 February 2022

Lazy Sunday

Brand: Gibsons

Pieces: 1000
Size: 68cm x 49cm

Product Code:  G6610

Hi all!

Today I have decided to put up a picture of a Gibsons puzzle that I recently did for the World Puzzle Days 2022 event. It is called Lazy Sunday, which is what I plan on having after the busy birthday festivities of last weekend! Our baby's 1st birthday celebrations were fantastic (and busy, as I said), so not much puzzling happened but we still had a great time.

The above puzzle design is a mixed media style format. I was drawn to the unusual style of the illustration, with its many textures and patterns. I thought it might be difficult to do, but actually putting it together was quite easy (working in sections and blocks). The quality of the pieces was wonderful- they were thick and sturdy. I quite enjoyed doing this puzzle and will more than likely seek out more from the brand in the future.

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