Friday 11 February 2022

Disney Pixar Heroes


Pieces: 500
Size: 49cm x 36cm

Product Code:  872169

This will have to be a quick post today, cos I have a lot of work to do! Our baby turned one yesterday and we're having a party with friends for her today so I need to finish making the house presentable, ice the cake, collect the balloons from the store, pick up the specially made cookies from my friend's house and so much more! 

At least most of it will then be done before the second party-the family party- tomorrow! Phew! We've had to split them in two because it will be too crowded at our place if everyone is here at once. So lucky girl gets two birthday parties and two chances to be spoilt rotten! Hahaha

Anyway, the puzzle I've decided to put up today is Disney Pixar Heroes- simply because it was a bright and fun one to do. It was the first puzzle I had ever done from the Nathan brand and I was pleased with the quality. I'll be more than happy to do some more of this brand if I come across them again. 

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