Friday 16 October 2020

Stranger Things


Pieces: 500

Size: 45.72cm x 60.96cm
Product Code: -

Do you have a TV show that you absolutely love and can't miss an episode of? Have you discovered a new show way too late, and have to binge it to catch up? 

I love the Netflix show Stranger Things, but luckily I was pretty on the ball when I first discovered it and didn't have to binge too much to catch up. We were able to watch the whole second and third seasons as they were released and are really anticipating the next one! 

I know it's not a brand spanking new show, but I thought I would put up a picture of a puzzle I found for it. After seeing this puzzle online sooo many times I ended up sourcing it through eBay from America, and spent a ridiculous amount of money on it (mostly shipping costs, but for a 500 piece puzzle!) I just really wanted to do it! 😅😂

Luckily I was able to sell it on afterwards and recoup some of my money back. But I didn't really care, as long as I had the opportunity to do it! I really want to find a jigsaw puzzle of The Boys if such a thing exists because we just finished watching the second season and I love it! Gonna be such a long wait for the next season which is due to be sometime next year. In the meantime, I will do some more puzzles of favourite shows and movies if I happen to find them. It looks like there are a few good ones coming out soon. I have a couple of Mandalorian ones tucked away to be done later...

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